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Providing Everything You Need

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Services: Counselling / Consultancy

Our Counselling /Consultancy will help you get clarity on your feelings, desires and dreams and help you find solutions to your problems. We will show you how to get exactly what you want and we guarantee that after this … You will be limitless.


Following are the various interventions we provide:


  • Garbha Sanskar – Pre to Post

  • Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT)

  • Child Counselling

  • Parent Counselling

  • Personality Counselling

  • Career Counselling

  • Astrology

  • Numerology

  • Aura Scanning

  • Tarot Card Reading

  • Angel Card Reading

  • Diet Management

Through Fingureprint Analaysis Test (DMIT)

  • Mind Reprogramming for Success

  • Mind Reprogramming for Financial Freedom Life

  • Asadhyasadhanam – Goal Setting

  • Arising Days with Massive Wonders with Miracle Morning Routine

  • Twilight Nights with Deep Relaxation! To get connect with your Subconscious Mind to experience the Sound Sleep.

  • Cosmic Abundance within me!  Retune yourself to Cosmic Abundance! Clarify your limited beliefs with unlimited beliefs!

  • Super Star Student Workshop for uncountable success

  • Mindful Parenting Workshop for Living without a generation gap

  • Stress Management Workshop to experience peace and serenity

  • Group Coaching

  • Personal Coaching

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Services: Life Skills

Life skills techniques will help you to connect to your inner voice and take control of your Mind and thoughts to produce massive uncountable success in all areas of your life.

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Services: Alternative Healing

These healing therapies will help you rejuvenate your life such as – Physical Emotional, Mental, Vastu, Inner-Outer Beauty Enhancement and Financial (Personal / Business).

  • Garbha Sanskar Therapy

  • Bach Flower Remedy

  • Angel Therapy

  • Tarot Therapy

  • Music Therapy

  • Magnified Healing Therapy (Karma Healing)

  • Lama Fera Healing

  • Emotional Freedom Therapy

  • Pranic Healing

  • Chakra Healing

  • Crystal Healing

  • Naturopathy

  • Dowsing Therapy

  • Barakshar Therapy

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